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Last Saved: 01/26/2013 03:01:08 AM

Doctor Who Monster Invasion

Dr Who Fan
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  Book: 1


Album  1 to 165 Show / Hide
9 Skeletal Master, 29 K-9, 33 Toclofane, 34 Vashta Nerada, 49 Werewolf, 55 Slitheen, 56 Weeping Angels, 77 Pyrovile Lair, 80 Exploding Daleks, 91 Eleventh Doctor, 100 The Astronaut, 103 The Strategist, 120 Amy Pond, 124 The Groske, 136 Psychic Paper, 145 Fish Custard, 149 Cyber Head Attack, 163 Rivers Space Flight

Number Needed: 21 wanted

Album  1 to 165 Show / Hide
3 Ninth Doctor, 20 Rossiter Vinvocci, 28 Amy Pond, 30 Doctor Donna, 46 Adipose, 47 Cybershades, 48 Dalek Sec Hybrid, 50 Pyrovile, 51 The Flood, 53 Winders, 54 Smilers, 57 Vortex Manipulator, 59 Sonic Screwdriver, 61 Lord Presidents Staff, 62 Timey Wimey Detector, 78 Gloopy Clone, 86 Sparking Sonic, 87 Tardis Crash-Landing, 88 Monster Mucus, 93 Seventh Doctor, 94 Duplicate Doctor, 96 Fifth Doctor, 97 Second Doctor, 106 Dream Lord, 111 Winston Churchill, 114 Abigail Petigrew, 115 Canton Delaware III, 119 Vincent Van Gough, 123 President Nixon, 134 Zygons, 138 Jammy Dodger, 139 Visual Recognition System, 147 Astronaut In Lake, 154 Screen Angel, 158 Frozen Tardis, 162 The Pandorica Trap, 165 Angel Grab

Number of swaps: 37 + 0 = 37

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